Take the Plunge and Plant Your First Vegetable Garden!
There’s nothing quite like garden fresh vegetables. They’re just so fresh, tasty, and vibrant. Ironically, it costs more to buy organic produce now, but back in the day, everything was organic. So how does it sound to be able to save money, have amazing vegetables, and have a fun new hobby? Great, right?
Here are the first things you need to think about when starting a vegetable garden:
Step One: Decide on Size
When it comes to gardening, you don’t want to feel overwhelmed. It is better to start smaller and then once you get the hang of things, you could plan for a bigger garden next year. You’ll also want to be aware that certain vegetables may yield more than one crop: carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, lettuce, rutabagas, radishes, turnips, and spinach.
Step Two: Choose a Location
It is absolutely necessary to put a lot thought into where you will have your garden. You want to plant in a sunny location, as your plants will need an adequate amount of direct sunlight per day. If your plants don’t have enough sunlight, your veggies will not meet reach their full potential in terms of size and taste. You also want to make sure you are not planting in an area that would be prone to floods if there is a heavy rain…or alternatively, an area that quickly dries out.
Step Three: Check Your Soil / Buy Soil
You need to plant in high quality soil, as roots penetrate soft soil easier. You should also use compost to boost the soil with nutrients. The soil should also have proper drainage so that the water doesn’t sit on top or drain too fast.
Step Four: Buy High Quality Seeds or Healthy Plants
Plants are obviously more expensive and less time intensive than starting from seed, but they may be a better option for a first time gardener.
Step Five: Space Crops Out
Be aware as to how high your plants will grow. For example, if you grow corn, it needs a lot of space and could overshadow plants that grow lower to the ground. You don’t want your plants competing with each other for sun, nutrition, or water.
Step Six: Watering
You need to be sure you are watering the proper amount. You don’t want to under water or over saturate. Refer to the instructions on your seed packet or plant or Google for more information about the specific vegetable you are planting to know how best to care for it.
Step Seven: Check Progress Ongoing…
We wish you the best of luck for your new gardening venture! If you are looking for a professional and eco-friendly landscaping company in Coquitlam, give us a call today!